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Lucille Bastine (Lucy B)
Your Local Yoga & Meditation Guide

Certified Yoga RYT-200
d 150 hour Meditation Teacher
Certified 300 hour Trauma-Informed, Yoga Psychology Teacher


I founded Mind Body Balance Yoga, Meditation + More to create a space where everyone can experience a more authentic yoga practice. My offerings are consistent with the principles in Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.


My journey with yoga, meditation & mindfulness spans over a 20-year period following a life changing diagnosis and a decision to take charge of my health.


My passion is to share my knowledge of psychology (eastern & western), yoga, mindfulness & meditation to guide people in relieving mind-body imbalances. My offerings are trauma-informed classes and workshops with a focus on yoga, psychology, mindfulness and somatic healing.


My ultimate goal is to see everyone living a healthy, balanced and fulfilling life.


About my training and experience:

  • Mind Body Balance Yoga, Meditation + More was founded in 2018 where I have offered various yoga & meditation classes and workshops on stress reduction and mindfulness.

  • 300-hour Advanced Trauma-Informed Yoga Psychology Teacher at Canmore Counseling Yoga Psychology School

  • Mental Health First Aid Training through Ontario Shores

  • Kids Yoga Teacher Training Ages 2-17  with Peaceful Babes

  • Yoga Teacher Mentorship Program at Heal Evolve Thrive with Trish Masters

  • Mindful Self-Compassion Program at The Mindfulness Centre with Dr. Linda MacDonald & Marlene Van Esch, MSW.

  • 200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training at Chrysalis Yoga with Shanine Dennill

  • 150 Hour Meditation Teacher Training at Towards Stillness with Tony Murdock

  • Expanded Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program at The Mindfulness Centre with Dr. Stephane Treyvaud

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program through Meditation for Health Toronto with Dr. Lucinda Sykes 

meditation beads for yoga class
"A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms."
— Zen Shin
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